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Audience-Submitted Op-ed

Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux say it is only right and natural that Jews are so over-represented in media and government, alluding to 15 extra IQ points that Ashkenazi Jews allegedly have above the average, which allow them to ‘excel.’ Give us a break, you two shills.

First of all, I seriously doubt it is true, and I doubt a Jews’ ability to do an accurate study or report accurate results. After all, they are a supremacist cult that will do ANYTHING to further its own interests, including killing, lying, starving, brainwashing the masses with fake news, creating wars, destroying nations, enslaving humanity through the un-Christian, un-islamic, AMORAL Judaic practice of USURY.

But just for the sake of debate, let’s say that these miraculous, wonderful ‘chosen people’ DO have ‘higher IQs.’ Let’s say they are much higher, like 100 points above the average. It still doesn’t say anything about them being ethical people or having humanity’s best interests at heart. And when it comes to that stuff, the chosenists are the EXACT OPPOSITE of anyone you would want holding any position of power or authority. IQ cannot even be equated with intelligence, and intelligence certainly cannot be equated with good behavior. There is no correlation.

No group of people, regardless of their average IQs, has ANY RIGHT WHATSOEVER to rule over the planet, control information, control the money supply, hoard all the money, blacklist people as ‘pariahs’ for being awake, bribe politicians to get wars for the NWO and the Jewish ethnic state.

If one or more of these people does have a high IQ, you can be 100% certain that they will put it to ill use, because Jewish supremacist ideology is literally the most toxic thing there is for humanity.

For all the unsubstantiated claims we hear about about these people’s ‘extra-intelligence,’ there is plenty of solid evidence that their totally racist ideology is far beyond savage and has absolutely no place in humanity’s future.

We need to stand up for basic human rights. The right to know and speak truth, the right to sovereignty, to property, the right to be free from usury, the right to not be ruled over by despotic overlords who hate us and classify us as ‘goyim,’ animals, subhumans, etc.

Look at the ‘israelis.’ They are by far the worst people on the planet. 9/11, ISIS, terrorism, assassinations of our true, populist leaders, they are openly genocidal, they have NO CONCEPT of why none of them belong in what can only rightly be called the land of Palestine. They just don’t give a rip about anyone else, and this mindset comes straight from their religion, and it is even embraced by the ‘atheist’ ones. Bar none, they are absolutely the worst people, and this blood-curdling awfulness is on full display to the entire WORLD.

So, Jordan, Stefan, and anyone else gutless enough to make the IQ argument in favor of humanity’s oppressors… don’t tell me these “God chose us” a**holes make good leaders for the world.

Their moral compasses have been completely smashed into dust for thousands of years and they have never changed or repented or altered the supremacist nature of their collective ideology.

If some Jews are ‘intelligent,’ it is not a spiritually enlightened form of intelligence, because it is based in such an oozing, aching, repugnant, total lack of morality. Such ‘intelligence’ can only harm us and I prefer a world without it.


Editor’s note: While it is important to expose cultural Marxism and extreme forms of identity politics, it is just as important to expose the specific group of people that has the biggest representation in the movement behind cultural Marxism, pushing moral decay and counter-revolutionary ideologies. Pick up any university textbook on gender/queer studies and you will find a Jewish last name – they have the nerve to talk about oppression and racism (usually making the case that ‘oppression’ of LGBT and the ‘right’ to murder one’s child, aka abortion, is either equally or even more important than issues of REAL oppression like Gaza, Yemen, the prison industrial complex, usury/Federal Reserve, etc.) when it is the Jewish power structure that is behind most oppression in the world and such a power structure is motivated by anti-gentile racism.

The fact that Peterson works with Jewish supremacist gatekeeper Ben Shapiro shows that Peterson wants to talk about the problem, without exposing the head of the snake that is engineering the problem in the first place.

The same thing goes with those who are against Islamophobia – they can make a career talking about Islamophobia, but the moment they point out that the billion dollar Islamophobia industry is run by Jews (from Hollywood/TV shows to the mainstream news media to even the alternative media), then they lose their activist career.
