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God’s partisans SHALL be victorious! All praise is due to Allah that Insight Media’s URL ( has now been officially whitelisted and all our posts that were erased have now been restored. Last week, Facebook blocked our URL from being shared on Facebook and took down every post that had our URL attached to it. Since social media plays a huge role in Insight Media’s work, nearly seven months of hard work, promoting this important cause on Facebook, since establishing this project had vanished by the snap of Rabbi Zuckerberg’s fingers.

During our period of censorship, we got a lot of support from the people. It was a great feeling, especially since every time I would look at our Facebook page, and see a gray block where our FB cover photo used to be, I felt like a pound of my flesh had been chopped off by Shylock, the villain in Shakespeare’s classic play The Merchant of Venice. But the censorship actually made us stronger, God worked in our favor so that no matter what the enemies of humanity do – let us to speak, censor our speech, assassinate our character, physically assassinate/murder us, etc. – we will invariably win at the end of the day.

Here are the screenshots of the alerts I got. On my personal profile, I had the option to dispute the deletion of my posts. On the Insight page, I did not have the option. I just had to deal with the censorship. As you can see, the FB cover photo is no longer gray but is restored, and they found that our site does not violate “community standards.”

It is only slander to say we are haters. We are about love. We abhor murder and terrorism, which is why we fervently oppose the terrorism of Zionism and Wahabbism. We do our best to ascertain the truth, even if that may be “offensive” at times. Freedom of thought should not be a violation of “community standards,” just because it leads us to uncover certain “uncomfortable” truths and realities about who is responsible for the global state of war, poverty, misery, and tyranny we live in today.

This is all too reminiscent of the dilemma that faced the enemies of humanity when Imam Khomeini (ra) was in France. If they kill him, the revolution in Iran rises. If they let him live, the same outcome. So they were stuck and could not do anything to stop the inevitable rise of the oppressed peoples of the world. All the more ironic that the ban on our URL came just weeks after we started to sell The Compassionate Family, a book of lectures by Ayatollah Khamenei translated into English, on our webstore.

It begs the question, did the ADL Silicon Valley HQ, B’nai Brith, and other nefarious enemies of humanity have something to do with this violation of freedom of speech, thought, and expression?

Let this be a warning to all those involved in activism. Yes, we may be more “controversial” than most because we go for the head of the Dajjal snake; use the J-word instead of the Z-word (thus “offending” certain hypersensitivities); morally/intellectually defend resistance; etc., but by God, the Zuckerberg hammer will come down on everyone sooner or later, even the most mild of dissenting speech will be erased. We were just the test subjects.
