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On Monday, August 20th, 2018, Insight Media’s Google account was mysteriously disabled for alleged “policy violations.” We then found out that Facebook and Twitter had begun a massive purge of accounts that were allegedly linked to Iran and Russia, who were trying to allegedly “influence” the upcoming midterm elections. An additional report from Reuters reveals that Google also took part in this massive purge.

This is all part of an outright abrupt shift to go from Russia-backed “information war” against the West to an Iranian-backed “information war” against the West. There’s a few holes in the technocrat giants’ logic: they have no proof that these accounts were linked to the Iranian government (especially because Iranians use VPNs) nor that they actually had any real influence on the elections.

Another big hole that is actually quite laughable: the banning of our account. Insight Media is a registered LLC in California and is run out of Southern California by its founder, Ali Salaam, who is an American citizen. This specifically shows that they were not targeting “Iranian” accounts, but accounts belonging to people who happen to dissent against the Zionist world order and all the massacres against innocent people it commits around the globe. Simply believing that babies shouldn’t be bombed is enough to get you banned from Facebook.

Why else would Google disable my account when we are not funded by Iran and we are based in sunny Southern California? The purge of Insight Media might be a hole that those wishing to preserve freedom of speech and freedom of press should look into. One of our concerns is that maybe, just maybe, the tech giants over-inflated their numbers in order to make it look as if Russia and Iran are taking part in some large operation, when in reality, they probably deleted only a handful of accounts (many of them vital sources of astute political analysis), not all of which were from Iran or Russia, but (as in our case) from America! It’s just a speculation, but maybe worth looking into because something about this just smells fishy.

Google should obviously know that we are Americans (who want what is best for this country – and the Zionist lobby is the enemy of this country as it is the enemy of the whole world) and maybe it should offer us a bit of due process to ascertain that we are actually Iranian and/or Russian before just deleting our account on a whim? No, Google, Facebook, and Twitter are not technically fully private companies existing in a utopian free market where there is no government interference. Rather, through their capitulation to the surveillance state (not only the NSA, but the Zionist Talpiot programs and the ADL Silicon Valley HQ) – such as Facebook deleting accounts at the behest of the US and “Israel” – they should be bound to the laws of the Bill of Rights of the United States.

What is so wrong about Iranians and Russians daring to opine about the issues of the day on social media? Saudis, “Israelis,” and even ISIS members do it all the time! These tech giants suspiciously leave ISIS accounts alone, kind of like how ISIS suspiciously never attacks “Israel.” It shows a political bias on behalf of the technocrats. They even disabled news outlets like the Iranian-backed Spanish-language news channel HispanTV.

Their purge was even described in news reports at being aimed against accounts that are “anti-Israel, anti-Saudi, and pro-Palestine.” We don’t need to show the image of the dead Yemeni kids on that schoolbus in the recent US/Zionist-backed Saudi massacre to show how this policy by the tech giants is defending the murder of innocent children and, more disgustingly, defending the murderers who ordered the hit. That is the bleakest aspect of this: the defense of infanticide by the Zio-NATO empire through the blacking out of dissenting voices, be they American, Iranian, or Russian. We are all human beings after all. Maybe all that MKUltra “mindfulness” self-worship that these tech giant execs are into doesn’t extend to Iran and Russia when it comes to our oneness as a human family (don’t worry, our love of humanity comes from Islam – we’re not globalists who want to erase national borders).

Eerily, the US has detained men allegedly spying for Iran in the U.S. That story is also fishy and reeks of a false flag operation. The FBI is notorious for setting up fake terrorist attacks and then foiling said fake attacks in order to have a public show and tell on how they’re stopping “terrorism.” Similarly, they could possibly recruit people and then arrest them and make up a whole fake story about how they surveilled these people and found them doing this and that. This is something worth looking into further for investigators to see if there are holes in the reports about this story.

Most sad of all is that what the technocrat establishment is saying (on behalf of the Zio-NATO empire) is that you as a human being have zero right to look at the world around you and ascertain the truth, because if you come to a conclusion that causes you to think contrary to what the Zionist media and academia has to say about certain issues – i.e. Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah – then you are to be banished from society, banned from popular media platforms, and treated like a second class citizen. Kind of like how Jesus (as) and Muhammad (S) were treated during their times by the corrupt, ignorant tyrants who ruled. Their message is clear: think the way we want you to think, or else!

To be clear: Insight Media does not receive funds from any foreign government to do what it does. We are solely motivated by a firm moral conviction, belief in God, and doing service to humanity. Providing art and culture that is God-conscious and revolutionary is not just for Muslims, but for Christians too. So many people from many different walks of life are sick of the Zionist media pumping out music and movies that degrade morality and family values/virtues. They want art and culture that serves a purpose and uplifts man towards his potential and humility before the Creator. We provide that. We also honor those who have sacrificed for the betterment of humanity, and that is the Christian-Muslim alliance we see in the Middle East between Islamic Iran and Christian Russia, along with their allies Syria and Hezbollah – it is they who defeated ISIS, whereas the US, “Israel,” the GCC alliance, and Turkey created ISIS. We have the American right to morally, intellectually, academically, and even artistically show our love and respect to these groups. We do not break any laws, meaning we do not finance such groups nor do we encourage people to go  join those groups. What we do is offer a dissenting voice through the form of art and culture that uplifts our fellow human beings and brings them towards intelligence and Godwariness – which is well within our rights as Americans. Is that so wrong?

We are certainly not unpatriotic, since America is owned by Zionists and central bankers who are responsible for all the wars and suffering of the past 100+ years, and even further if you count the Jewish role in the slave trade along with their white supremacist clientele. Abolishing the Federal Reserve is good for America, investigating 9/11 is good for America, and not getting into a war with Iran is good for America. Being a slave of “Israel” is bad for America.

This social media purge is partly thanks to those liberals who drank the Russiagate Kool Aid, cheered on the censorship of “fake news,” and cheered on the censorship of Alex Jones. Now real voices of truth are being erased. These wolf in sheep’s clothing liberals are not our “allies.” Malcolm X said he will work with people of different beliefs on common ground so long as they are genuinely interested in change. Liberals are only interested in being sheeple – and because of that they have given the public support needed for the technocrats in Silicon Valley to kill freedom of the press. Even more shameful are American Muslims who buy into this nonsense. Their worship of secular liberalism is more sincere than their worship of Allah. Not all idols are made of stone; idols can take the form of Vice News, Buzzfeed, AJ+, Vox, CNN, MoveOn, Washington Post, and the New York Times.

What is so sad and ironic about this is that President Donald Trump is the voice of reason in this debate, whereas secular liberals are supporting the banishment of revolutionary voices (especially if they “offend” Jewish supremacists). President Trump says that censorship of dissenting voices, including on the internet, is worse than the mainstream media’s lies, that no matter how offensive some voices are, no matter where they fall on the political spectrum, we must not allow censorship to take hold. He’s right. We’re not particularly fond of Trump – but not in the same way that neocons and Western leftists/anarchists/antifa are against him, acting as fifth columnists of the Zionist deep state in their goals to get Trump out of office by any means necessary, thereby hoisting the utterly dangerous Christian Zionist Armageddonist Mike Pence into the Oval Office – but we have to give credit where credit is due. Take a good look in the mirror, secular liberals. The man you hate most is on the side of truth in this debate and you are on the side of tyranny. Those among the liberals (and some conservatives and libertarians) that support this censorship, we hope you are among the salvageable who will wake up. As for those who are stuck in darkness and whose hearts are sealed, you are not the friend of the marginalized groups you pretend to care about. In reality, the disabling of our account by Google is itself an act of Islamophobia.

We’re not strangers to censorship – recently Facebook blacklisted our URL from being shared on its platform and then oddly whitelisting it a week later.

Google made a foul mistake disabling our account because it exposes how they aren’t just targeting alleged “Iranian”/”Russian” accounts, but they’re targeting Americans who happen to have a political view that is different from the prevailing Zionist-neocon status quo. It also means that their numbers of alleged “foreign” accounts is inflated, if within those numbers include Americans such as ourselves whom they are labeling as agents of Iran and/or Russia. We hope to humbly be used by the press as a means of exposing the tech giant’s warmongering folly.

Those in the press may contact us about the ludicrous nature of Google’s disabling of our not-so-Iranian account via our contact page since our gmail is not working.
