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Unable to vote this year as I’m traveling abroad, and I don’t trust mail-in/absentee ballots. I’m not really missing out on the 2018 midterm elections despite all the kvetching, whining, and virtue signaling.

Thanks to California’s Top Two system, my “choice” for Congress in San Diego was a Christian Zionist neocon as the Republican, and some token House Arab who was endorsed by the liberal Zionist J Street as the Democratic candidate. Shabbos Goy A vs. Shabbos Goy B. We also have homosexuals running for top school board positions. American Muslims are too busy sucking up to the Democrat Party that they don’t take the time to groom and recruit candidates that are not total sellouts, like that Uncle Abdullah who ran for Governor in Michigan. “Hey, I’m Middle Eastern, vote for me for no other reason than identity politics! Even though I vote in line with all the Zionists, bankers, etc.” There were very few important propositions or local candidates worth voting for (at least in my city).

Unfortunately, when Muslims get involved in politics, they do so from either a secular liberal perspective or a Marxist-Leninist perspective. Both of those are antithetical to Islam and are also short-changed in tackling the root of oppression. They both claim that “heteronormative cisgendered patriarchy” runs the world, whereas in reality global Zionism runs the world. So they can’t even identify Dajjal (antichrist) properly – how can we fight an enemy we don’t even identify?

Even worse, this mentality gets us all worked up over Trump’s mean words. Where were our feelz when Hillary Clinton gave weapons to the takfiri terrorists in Syria who were lobbing mortar rounds at Sayyida Zainab (sa) (let alone her zawar and the innocent human beings in general that Daesh has mutilated)? If we want to know where we would stand on the day of Ashura, this is the test! If we support Clinton and the Democrats, we would fail on the day of Ashura without even knowing it. Even opposition to the Muslim Ban is contrived, as if mass migration is a good thing. Most opponents of the Muslim Ban argue it from the perspective “OMG now my cousins in Syria and Iran can’t escape the yoke of the dictator Khamenei/Assad.” Most of the people who are against the Muslim Ban were for the wars that created the refugees in the first place. Obviously, it is only fair for America to take care of the refugees it created (though its likely that many of these takfiris from the FSA will come in with refugees, or Mossad agents will pretend to be Arabs and cause some false flag to pin on Muslims, so we shouldn’t just let everyone in unvetted), but let’s strike the root instead of dealing with the branches. This SJW crybaby mentality lacks any sort of dignity or honor.

We take on the secular liberal political planks as if we fear white and Jewish liberals more than we fear Allah. If we seek their approval so badly, it means we fear their rejection. Because of that, our very liberationist discourse becomes controlled and confined to Kosher parameters. All these celebrity Muslamic activists like Linda Sarsour don’t even blink unless some liberal Zionist Jew gives them approval. And under their direction, we have Muslims attending the Women’s March, funded by one-man-regime-change-machine George Soros, where women go around in hats and costumes that depict private parts (what does the Qur’an say about guarding private parts?) and openly support abortion (what does Qur’an say about infanticide?). We have Muslimahs going around calling themselves “nasty women” and “proud sluts” a’oothu billah. Wallahi, Sayyida Zainab (sa) is the polar opposite of these shameful people!

Imam Hussain (as) and his family did not die thirsty in Karbala so that we can pollute our religion with secular liberalism and Marxism. It only makes us confused. However, with proper basira, we can truly identify the head of the snake and maneuver around it and not be fooled by these wolves in sheep’s clothing.

It is easy to identify the Yazid of our time – the open fasiq who lets you know that they’re evil. Although in the case of Gavin Newsom, people still support Yazid as long as he’s a Democrat. But the Muawiya, the one who is cunning and fools you into thinking they’re saintly, is a lot harder to catch and unfortunately many Muslims in the West (and the East) fail that basic test. Voting Democrat just to spite big bad meanie Trump will only result in more misery for our people. They smile while they bomb children and finance ISIS.

Also, voting alone doesn’t make change. Look at what Malcolm X did with the NOI. First off, they were an organized religious community. They lived close to each other and prayed congregationally more than just once or twice a week like we do here in the West. They had their own schools, businesses, and even had their own banks. The amount of difference you can make by putting your money in a credit union instead of one of these international banking companies owned by Zionist families like the Rothschilds is huge. Having semi-autonomy doesn’t mean we are isolated from the rest of society.

This goes to all the criticism of Marxism that Islamic scholars have had. Marxism (also capitalism) is a very materialistic outlook because they care about political power only. Okay, does gaining political power protect our kids from deviating from the straight path? Most Western leftists are Trotskyists, so they support “sex positive” politics like LGBT, feminism, promiscuity, etc. and they expect their political “allies” to compromise on those issues. So if we get political power with their help, we end up destroying the religious family. Sayed Khamenei has said that family is the foundation of society, that if you want to destroy nations, target the family structure. One thing I learned from 2016 is that all these hippie burnouts that supported Jill Stein are absolutely incompetent organizers because they only care about getting stoned and fornicating. Truly if we want a solid revolution, we need the family structure. Otherwise, we won’t achieve our goals, or if we do it will be short-lived and come at the expense of our religion.

Qur’an 5:82 is a clear guide to who our enemies and friends are. Unfortunately, sellout political activists from our communities get it reversed. They work with liberal Zionists and refuse to work with Christian conservatives who are not racist/Islamophobic and are anti-Zionist. Because of this, that is why our discourse gets so polluted with secular liberalism, Trotskyism, and Marxist-Leninism.

One example of a Christian conservative in America who Muslims should support is Michael Hoffman. He wrote Judaism Discovered, a full volume encyclopedia on the racist, Christ-hating teachings of the Jewish Talmud and the top rabbis of history in order to convince Christians that Islam is not the problem. He also posts tweets in favor of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah for defending Christians, fighting ISIS, and fighting Zionism. Another one is Mark Glenn of The Ugly Truth network. We don’t have to agree with them on every issue, but we share enough common values to work together. Yet West-toxified, Marxist-Leninized Muslims will dismiss them as an “antisemite” while on their way to the next LGBT “rights” rally.

Of course, people like Hoffman are more outspoken and thus would be politically non-viable. But there are many people out there who like his works but have more cautious approaches to their speeches (without compromising their principles) that can run for office.

In particular, 5:82 refers to a particular type of Christian who are our closest in affection, that they have monks among them and are not arrogant. Since we are in akhira zaman (end times), it is worth to pay attention to the circumstances of today’s world. The only Christian sect that meets this criteria is Orthodox Christianity, and especially Russian Orthodox. They are the only sect that has not endorsed the marriage of men with men and women with women. They are the only sect that still has monasticism that is meaningful and a lynchpin of their religious scholarship. And they aren’t going around the world with war ships to other nations saying “you, be civilized like us! Dress the way we do and act the way we act! Vote for elections like we vote in our [sham] elections!” Yet the Muslims who are tricked by the Muawiya Democrats think that Putin is our biggest threat and that the US and NATO should keep pushing the world towards nuclear confrontation with Russia because the Zionist media says that Russia rigged the election?

The Zionists are behind much of the moral decay in the world. It’s no secret that the major LGBT organizations are run and funded by “chosen” supremacists. They’re upset that Russia bans lewd acts like pride parades in public. Actually, they have the opposite, they have Family Day which is like a straight pride parade. Also, the Christian bishops there proposed a modest dress code law similar to Iran. The Church there almost has the same power as the Faqih does in Iran. Russia is not perfect of course, but their Christian awakening is stunning, especially after the nearly 100 years of atheistic Communist darkness in which Christians and Muslims were persecuted until the last days of the USSR. Whereas in the West, religion is dying. Only in the East does religion flourish.

That doesn’t mean we are elitist and don’t work with people who have different views on the common ground. But most often, American Muslim activists (especially celebrity ones) don’t do that, rather they sell out every one of their beliefs just to fit in. And our liberal so-called “allies” don’t offer us the mutual respect to allow us our right to disapprove of the normalization of LGBT in the public/culture/media (we respect peoples’ right to sin in private, as much as we don’t endorse it, we are not tyrants).

In conclusion, if we really want to have change in the West, not just for Muslims but for all people, we need to have a much broader vision other than licking the shoes of Jewish liberals and white liberals and thinking it will get us somewhere. If our communities are in shambles, and we live very individualistic lifestyles where we only congregate for jamaat prayers once a week at best, then we can’t expect any real change if we don’t work from the bottom up: starting with ourselves (our souls), then our families, then our communities, then the general public in our local region, and up and up until the global level. Without the proper basira (insight) and the proper identification of the head of the snake, we will just be wandering around blind, thinking that our grandstanding for the political establishment will get us anything more than scraps off the table.

I’ll vote again once there aren’t any sellout candidates from the Muslim and Christian communities. We need Muslims who have seen the Iranian Virgin Mary movie and Christians who have seen the Passion of the Christ movie to run for office – they totally understand who is the head of the snake. They don’t have to come out and say openly who it is (as it would be political suicide to name them out loud), but as long as they know the truth they can make their political chess moves accordingly.
