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Mojtaba Allahverdy, a revolutionary singer from the Islamic Republic of Iran, has joined the controversial and politically-charged media outlet Insight Media ( for distribution of his music towards a worldwide audience, mostly Western.

His debut album, Revolutionary, will be released on Insight Media on February 11th, which marks the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. The album will be available for free streaming and free download.

Watch “Rajazeh Harmaleh” by Mojtaba Allahverdy

Allahverdy is the first foreign musician to join the American-based Insight Media’s family of God-conscious, revolutionary artists. While Allahverdy’s songs are in the Farsi language, he speaks English and there is always a possibility for an English-language song to relay important messages to a Western audience that receives so many lies and propaganda from the Zionist media concerning Iran, Islam, and other issues.

Insight Media differs from other American media outlets and record labels that work with Iranian artists, as the artists these Satanic, Zionist-controlled outlets work with are those which serve an imperialist, orientalist narrative that Iran is backwards, evil, and repressive. The Iranian artists they usually work with promote hedonism, individualism, secularism, sexual perversion, immorality, and other self-destructive ideologies which turn humans into sheep that chase the lowly desires of their stomach and private parts.

There is no contradiction in a revolutionary Iranian artist, who supports the Islamic Revolution, working with an American media outlet. As the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Sayed Ali Khamenei once declared, the slogan “death to America” does not mean the American people, rather it is the American policies and its global arrogance that the slogan refers to. Such policies pour billions of dollars into wars for “Israel” abroad and corporate welfare schemes for the financial elites at home, neglecting America’s basic infrastructure and leaving millions of people to suffer in or below the poverty line. Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the US as an agent of global Zionism, meaning that US sovereignty has been usurped by Zionist bankers who use the might and power of the US military to achieve certain objectives abroad, to the benefit of global financial institutions and the criminal Zionist entity. While America has always had a bloody history of injustice, such injustice was taken into high-gear after the implementation of the Federal Reserve Act as well as the assassination of John F. Kennedy, America’s last good (and independent) president. Americans should be reassured that if the US government were to repent for its sins (African slavery, Native American genocide, wars of aggression, economic terrorism, etc.), throw out the corrupt politicians (Americans give Congress a dismal approval rating of about 10%), and move forward in a positive direction with sincerity (such as paying reparations to the people the US government raped and pillaged, such as Iraqis, Afghanis, Syrians, Iranians, etc.), then perhaps the “death to America” slogan would disappear since it is not against the American people, but against the corrupt, blood-soaked American government.
