Post Image founder Ali Salaam breaks the silence on how the FBI investigated him in April 2018 as a means of intimidation and political targeting.

“You can rap about peddling drugs, but if you rap about Islam you have the feds at your door,” proclaimed Muslim hip-hop artist Yusuf Abdul Mateen in the song “Words in Red” by Blak Madeen off their album Supreme Aftermath.

Such words ring so true about the tragic irony facing America today. The biggest celebrities are the ones that glorify criminality, drug use/abuse, promiscuity, and other self-destructive “values” to audiences of millions of people, and no one goes after them. But if you are a man (or woman) of God who uses various different media platforms – from art to journalism – to promote the truth, morality, modesty, and other forms of good behavior, then the US government is likely to harass them.

We saw that recently with the case of Marzieh Hashemi, the Afro-American Muslim journalist who was illegally imprisoned by the FBI without being charged with a crime, a clear political targeting. They also target religious figures, such as Imam Mujahid Abdul Kareem, an Afro-American cleric from Los Angeles who had his home raided by the FBI at gunpoint. This is Twilight Zone material, because the Imam is an upstanding figure and positive influence on society, having negotiated a truce between the Bloods and the Crips, ending decades of bloody gang warfare and ushering an era of reconciliation and peace on the streets of Los Angeles. There are plenty of other instances of people who don’t have high profile names or faces, who have experienced mild to severe harassment and raids by the hands of the FBI, simply because they held a political opinion that was outside the narrative of the Zionist-owned corporate media.

Let’s rewind back to April 2018, which is only a few months after I, Ali Salaam, had launched Insight Media – a cultural resistance project dedicated to creating a unified hub for God-conscious, revolutionary art that offers a positive contribution to the world, which steers people away from hedonism, drugs/alcohol, disrespect of women, arrogance, and breaks down the Zionist/imperialist narrative – that I came home one day after a community college course I was taking when I got a phone call from my wife just as I was switching off my car. She tells me that the FBI terrorism unit is knocking at our door. Reality smacked me in the face but then I was reassured that all power belongs to God and that I am not to fear men, but to fear Him, and this type of thing is expected for those who speak the truth under an empire of lies; especially since Insight Media hosts music and other art that promotes positive values. While I didn’t personally rap about Islam, I created a united front for positive art and media, so I got the feds at my door.

Perhaps they knew I wasn’t home yet, and waited just until my car pulled in to start knocking, so they can encounter me outside of my home since they know I am the type of person that is Constitutionally literate and knows that I don’t even have to open the door for them. As I walked up to my front door, I see two men who are slamming hard on the door, as if to intentionally scare my wife. All of a sudden, they switch from menacing door slammers (bad cop) to smiley Agent McFriendly (good cop), and then tell me they are from the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Taskforce following up on an [alleged] anonymous tip about me. They assured me that I “hadn’t done anything wrong” and they are just “investigating.” Since I wasn’t born yesterday, I exercised my [theoretical] American rights to not testify against myself nor be forced to incriminate myself, so I told them I would not answer any questions and that they should speak to my lawyer. They persisted in their argument that I should speak to them, and I persisted that I shouldn’t. They even accused me of being hostile since I was upholding my American rights and freedoms, and I told them that I apologize if it comes across in a bad way, but I am a patriot simply exercising my Constitutional rights and that they should respect that. After pestering me some more about answering their questions, I kept refusing as usual until finally they gave me their business card and left.

Immediately I called CAIR San Diego and told them about my situation. I sent the FBI agent’s contact info to their attorney and they took my case up for free, alhamdulillah (all praise is due to God).

If I had lived in Los Angeles, without a doubt the LA CAIR chapter would have picked up my case initially, but once their notorious sectarian director would have found out it was me, then he would have forced his subordinates to drop my case, forcing me to find some overpriced lawyer to represent me.

I am not exaggerating, CAIR-LA director Hussam Ayloush has promised that he refuses to let his organization represent anyone who he perceives to be “pro-Khamenei/Nasrallah/Assad/etc.”

Perhaps you don’t even support Assad or Nasrallah, for example. But if your wife gets discriminated against at work or the FBI visits your home, and Mr. Ayloush merely perceives you to have certain political views, you can consider yourself a sitting duck when it comes to defending your rights as an American. That is why CAIR Los Angeles did not represent Afro-American Imam Mujahid Abdul Kareem after armed FBI agents broke through his back door window (literally broke the glass) and held up his family at gunpoint. Imam Mujahid’s contribution far outweighs that of Ayloush’s Ikhwanji sectarianism that hides under the smiley face of an American-flag-waving liberal Democrat. The same is true about other chapters such as CAIR Florida as well as many elements within CAIR National.

Thankfully, the San Diego chapter prioritizes professionalism and securing the civil liberties of American Muslims when they are violated.

After some time, I went to visit my lawyer to get a debrief on her negotiations with the FBI agents.

She told me that the anonymous tip (which apparently came from someone who has visited my house, according to the FBI) could be a fabricated lie, as the FBI is legally allowed to lie. That was relieving, because the whole time I was thinking who in the hell did I let into my house who would betray me like that? So what if I have artwork of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah and Imam Khomeini in my house, artwork is not illegal and it is also not illegal to have a political opinion in America. What is illegal is to send money to certain blacklisted groups and/or recruit people to join said groups, which I have never and will never do. Art is protected under freedom of speech. But, I realized that it was probably not someone who came into my house and reported on my Nasrallah poster. More likely, it is part of the NSA dragnet system that gathers information on the American people, and they just made up a lie to justify their intimidation of me.

She told me that it likely has to do with my writings as a columnist for the independent news outlet American Herald Tribune (which have expressed moral support for the Islamic Revolution and resistance groups like Hezbollah, but in the context of a political opinion, and never in the form of recruitment nor anything else illegal), my legally-owned firearm (for self-defense purposes only), and my wife’s pending green card application.

I’m convinced that it mostly has to do with my longstanding political views, and that I had just started Insight Media a few months prior.

My lawyer also informed me that the head of the local FBI precinct called her personally, pressuring her “to have me comply with them” and “sit down for questioning” because “blah blah blah Murican security” [paraphrasing, of course]. What possible danger do I pose to society? I don’t even roll stop signs, I haven’t touched alcohol or recreational marijuana in over 5 years since I became a Muslim, and am probably an even more outstanding citizen than before I became Muslim. Given the fact that the United States and “Israel” fund and arm al-Qaeda terrorists, clearly they’re not interested in stopping terrorism, since Wahabbi mosques in America flourish and are breeding grounds for the CIA to recruit fighters for ISIS and al-Nusra.

It is well known that the FBI is in cahoots with the Zionist Anti-Defamation League. According to the research of the Nation of Islam as well as esteemed Afro-American professor Dr. Tony Martin, the ADL has been spying on prominent Afro-American activists and pro-Palestine activists for decades, and engaging in intelligence sharing with the FBI and local law enforcement. The Jewish lobby was spying on Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and even America’s best president John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy.

The fact that the FBI has been working on behalf of a hostile foreign government (“Israel”) should be alarming to the American people who expect American officials to represent Americans first and foremost.

It is highly likely that the Jewish-Zionist lobbies in America, through their intelligence sharing activities with the FBI and local police, have contributed to the harassment of law-abiding American Muslims – from Marzieh Hashemi to Malcolm Latif Shabazz to myself – who happen to have a political opinion that does not fit within the lies crafted by the Zionist corporate media. Since when is it illegal to do research, look at the world, and then come to a conclusion based on facts, logic, reason, and morality? The American people should not stand for this and they should finish what President JFK started, which is to have pro-“Israel” lobby groups register as foreign agents rather than as domestic lobby groups.

My lawyer and I decided that I should not sit down for questioning with the FBI given that it is a nonsense case and likely politically motivated. Since then, I have not heard anything but I am certain that I am under watch still.

By being open about my experiences, it is my hope that if any harm ever happens to me, no matter how seemingly “natural” or “accidental” it may seem, that everyone’s first instinct is to investigate if there is something deeper going on behind any harm that is visited upon me or my family. The FBI’s CoIntelPro operations have been proven to be complicit in the murder of Malcolm X, MLK, JFK, and RFK, but even beyond the FBI, we know it was also the Jewish-Zionist lobby that was also behind those assassinations, and in JFK’s case, the Jewish mob (i.e. Meyer Lansky). Even recently, anyone with a brain can see that the FBI and the Zionists were also behind the mysterious death of Malcolm Latif Shabazz. So if anything were to happen to me, don’t just stop at the FBI. Go all the way up to the Kehilla rabbinical council itself. Check for any traces of gefilte fish on my dead body (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Don’t forget that the Talmud has a death sentence for people like myself who come from Jewish backgrounds, leave the “tribe” for Islam or Christianity, and begin to follow the Sunnah of Jesus (as) and expose the Jewish supremacist teachings of the Old Testament (fake “Torah”), Talmud, and Zohar to the “goyim.” Martyr Edoardo Agnelli, son of and heir to the Italian billionaire Agnelli family, was Jewish on his mother’s side, albeit raised as a Christian. His father was an agent of global Zionism. Edoardo accepted Shia Islam and had personal meetings with Imam Khomeini (ra) in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the year 2000, Edoardo was murdered under blatantly suspicious circumstances. Many people rightfully state that his family did not want billions of dollars winding up in the hands of a Shia Muslim who was friendly with Iran’s Islamic leadership. However, there is an added caveat that many miss in their analysis of the motivation to assassinate Edoardo Agnelli: he had betrayed the “tribe” and thus a death sentence was hanging over his head regardless of the money situation, as he had been cut off from the majority of his rightful inheritance prior to his murder.

Of course, my case is a lot milder than what happened to Marzieh Hashemi and Imam Mujahid, and countless others who do not have a public persona to draw attention to their mistreatment. I don’t claim to be the most oppressed, but I think it is important to be open about the targeting that I have faced and God-willing it will be a layer of protection for me in the future should something happen to me or my family.

This is not just limited to America. North of the border, in Canada, the Jewish-Zionist lobby there targeted Muslim hip-hop artist and geopolitical analyst Jonathan Azaziah (aka Madd Cold) because of his music. To be fair, Canada does not have free speech laws, making such targetings quite easy to carry out, but in the U.S. free speech is mostly a formality and an illusion, unfortunately.

This does not deter me at all. Insight Media is not a reckless endeavor. When the Zionist media, specifically showbiz, is literally waging psychological war against humanity, it is absolutely necessary for something like Insight Media to exist on this earth. If I wasn’t the one to do it, Allah would have put it in someone else’s plate, as the Qur’an promises for those people who do not fulfill their duties, Allah will replace them with those who are more worthy.

If more Muslims in the West weren’t like groundhogs scared of their own shadows, then we would all be safer, since they cannot target us all. But when the majority of Western Muslims throw away their religious duty of enjoining good/forbidding evil and standing against oppression, then it makes things very dangerous for the few that do stand for the truth, while keeping things nice and comfortable and complacent for everyone else. But how can they live comfortably when people in Yemen and Gaza are starving? When 40 million Americans live in poverty while the Federal Reserve bankster gangsters walk away with an even greater slice of the peoples’ wealth?

Such cowardice and apathy is not the way of Imam Hussain (as). And even if you are totally mum, quiet, and apathetic towards the truth, that is not going to stop Big Brother from putting his foot on  your throat eventually. Down the line, you too will face harassment even if you sat in the corner of your home all day long. As sister Marzieh Hashemi said, you cannot claim to stand with an Imam Hussain (as) while working with or being silent in the face of a Yazid.

As Ms. Hashemi correctly stated, these types of targetings can happen to any one at any time and we should not let these intimidation tactics scare us into silence nor let them crush our spirits.

Here is an exposition of Imam Hussain’s Sermon at Mina, where the Master of Martyrs and Son of the Prophet explicitly condemned those who refuse to sacrifice one ounce of their comfortability to stand against injustice out of cowardice, apathy, or being bought off by a few shekels:

And to the FBI agents who still have a conscience and a shred of humanity in their heart, it is time to decide once and for all: do you work for the American people, or do you work for “Israel”, corrupt/traitorous American politicians, and globalist bankers?
