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Editor’s Note: The office of Imam Sayed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, recently released a statement in response to a fake fatwa that was falsely attributed to him, where it claims he stated that polygyny (the Islamic act of a man marrying more than one woman at the same time), is mustahab (Arabic for “recommended,” meaning something that should be encouraged as opposed to just a neutral view, or makruh which means not recommended, which means discouraged but not forbidden).

In this statement, he states that he does not view the act of polygyny as something that should be encouraged. He noted that according to the Qur’an, polygyny is only permissible when the husband has the capacity to be equitable between wives when it comes to rights, obligations, compassion/love, and more. Furthermore, he added that the goal of the stable, loving Islamic family unit is to create a sense of stability, peace, and a solid foundation in one’s household, for the parents and the children. If the act of polygyny disrupts such a foundation, then it is discouraged. He also stated that the subject of polygyny shouldn’t be talked about lightly, especially in front of women. However, Imam Khamenei didn’t say the practice was forbidden. Therefore, strict guidelines are in place for such a practice and it is neither recommended nor discouraged.

However, with billions of people on this planet, there are bound to be a myriad of situations in peoples’ personal lives that justify such a practice, which must be coupled with the man’s capability to be equitable towards all wives involved and to make sure that such a practice won’t break apart the family structure. For example, many families get broken apart when the man does polygyny secretly without the other wife’s/wives’ knowledge – a remedy to this is to make sure everything is above board and the co-wives are friends with each other. There can be many reasons to justify polygyny, a main one that stands out is infertility, but let’s just look at things from a numbers game in relation to the necessity to preserve the stability of the family unit: let’s say that in the Muslim world, there are more women than men. Let’s also say that secularization, post-colonial mindsets, and the career-first/family-second approach by Muslim men and women was abandoned. Let’s also say that given such a lack of anti-family mindset in the minds of many post-colonial Muslims, all Muslim men on earth got married to one woman. If that happened, there would still be women who are unmarried. Islam views celibacy as an oppression and also as a severe risk of falling into sins such as fornication, especially as one gets older. That leaves unmarried women in this equation with two choices: remain oppressed by celibacy, or oppress their souls eternally by committing the sin of fornication. With the latter, they end up shattering the family unit whom they did adultery with the husband (of course, both the man and the woman share the equal blame in the sin). In this theoretical scenario, polygyny is the most logical situation to actually prevent the breaking up of families via the inevitable adultery that would take place. Of course, even in this theoretical scenario, polygyny would only be allowed for those men who would treat their wives equitably and would arrange it in a way where it does not shatter the stability of the family.

Theoretical scenarios aside, the author of this article notes in his treatise below that this situation actually exists in a very real world scenario in the Afro-American community. The racist prison industrial complex locked up disproportionate levels of Afro-American men, which coincided with the economic disenfranchisement of the black male (by eliminating ROTC programs and other career preparedness programs from high schools) while simultaneously having the CIA, NATO, and Jewish-Zionist mafia pump drugs into the black ghettos, which drives the newly unemployed black male youth into drug dealing in order to stay above water, which in turn has led to decades of mass incarceration. In Afro-American society, the number of males are few and the number of females much larger. Among the few black males are those who are even marriage-worthy, most of whom are morally upright believers in God, either from the Muslim faith or Christian faith. For black Christian males, of course their religion only allows monogamy. But for the increasing numbers of Muslims in the Afro-American communities (no, not all of them do so in prison), polygyny could heavily remedy the societal epidemic of children born out of wedlock, thus increasing the stability of their families on the micro level and the stability of Afro-American society on the macro level.

In an age where the LGBTQP movement is now normalizing child drag queens and even pedophilia, why is it that healthy family structures such as polygyny (when practiced properly according to the strict rules mentioned above which guarantee that the rights of the woman and the rights of the family are not trampled on) are viewed as a taboo?

RELATED READING: The Compassionate Family by Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, available on the Insight Media Webstore.


“The Importance Of Islamic Polygyny, Muta’, and Good Marital Behavior, Especially in African American Society”

In Allah’s Name, The Source of Mercy to All of Creation; The Source of the Mercy to the Believing Congregation. Oh Allah Bless Muhammad’s Soul, and Rain Down Peace on His Household.

Let’s get real. Although all of us who are reading this are not Black, everyone who has a heart should be able to relate. Most of us live in America, or somewhere within the Western Sphere of The New World Order. Check this out. There are more Black babies born out of wedlock than there are born in wedlock This is a statistical fact that should not be lightly dismissed.

THINK. What does this mean?

Real commitment is becoming rarer and rarer. Most Black folks’ sexual unions are Islamically illegal and and many are universally considered immoral. In other words, real committed love being secured before “THE DEED” is done is not normal anymore. And there real committed love generated by these people’s spiritually uncommitted copulation is generally not happening either. Few understand and honor how critically important it is to sign onto a religious Contractual Commitment, likened unto a Biblical-Type Covenant. And that is the key initial factor in sexual morality according to every religion, and sect that claims Abraham as its Patriarch.

Nowadays, unfortunately, these contractual commitments are becoming rarer and rarer, as amoral secular influence becomes stronger and stronger. Folks break their marital contracts during the first ill wind. There is little to no care of whether or not a child issues forth from these unwed sexual unions. Unwed births are so common, using the word bastard is considered mean spirited, and all of the metaphysical inauspiciousness of being born out of wedlock is considered old fashioned, superstitious, and false.

Those couples who do bind themselves religiously, commonly tend to take their nuptial covenants less and less seriously The leading causes of strife in these sexual unions are financial disagreements and infidelity. Infidelity has been defined by the society in which most of us are raised in as he or she having sex outside of what is called “marriage.” Marriage is defined as a one man one woman familial relationship, except in some states that include men marrying men and women marrying women.

The one-man-one-woman formula would be ideal in an ideal world. Our Western world is far from ideal. Black women grossly outnumber black men here in The U.S. in civilized society. By Civilized Society I mean the society on the other side of those jail house walls. America has the largest per capita prison population on earth. Black men represent less than 7% of the population of the United States Of America. But Black men represent well over 60% of the largest prison population on the planet.

The overwhelming majority of Black Men are in prison for non-violent crimes. But as convicted felons they are literally “Black Balled” once they return to civil society. They can’t (I REPEAT… C A N N O T) get good jobs. They have a much harder time getting into good colleges and universities. They can’t even vote. It is like Dr. King didn’t defeat Jim Crow after all. A wonderful Christian sister, Michelle Alexander, wrote a must read book entitled The New Jim Crow, written by this highly successful Black lawyer and civil rights advocate, The New Jim Crow uncovers the truth of the plight of Black Men in this society, but barely touches on the strain that having so few Black men in our civil society puts on Black women sexually.

Black men are systematically being targeted in this country. This for sure is not new. Black men have always been in the cross hairs of the dominant racist segment of America. Black men are still the first ones fired and the last ones hired. If one of our little criminals, who were systemically and racially cut out of the legitimate economy gets busted for selling drugs, they throw away the key.

A white boy is more apt to get off with a warning. A Black BOY will most likely be forced to do hard time in a prison system that’s designed to make their prisoners worse… not better.

Why? Because it’s in the best interests of the prison system that felons return quickly. Why? Because many prisons are privately owned, and government sponsored. Money talks. You know what walks. It’s as simple as that.

We know that there is a conspiracy in this country to destroy black boys. There are many academic studies that have been published on this obvious conspiracy (not so obvious to working and middle class White folks and Negroes who haven’t been paying attention). The schools are feminine. Black boys can’t relate. This is by design, not by accident. Dig it. Gangs didn’t just appear. We know this.

Add all this to the fact that Black On Black homicide kills as many young black males between the ages of (something like) 17 and 35 as the body count was in the Korean Conflict and Vietnam put together… EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Thus a mathematical certainty appears in front of anyone’s eyes. It’s basic arithmetic.

Since fewer and fewer Black men have the cultural bent, or (and) the religious convictions to effectively and morally solve their problems, social and economic pressures drive them to acts of desperation. These acts are often both illegal and morally corrupting, and they generate a highly predictable outcome. More and more Black men end up in The Racist New Slavery Prison System.

Thus, there are too many women to match up one woman to one man which is the only acceptable family unit that most “decent” African American Communities subscribe to. It is simply a mathematical impossibility. If everyone practiced it, there’d be a huge number of sisters left celibate for the rest of their lives or until, some married sister died, or was divorced. Adultery and fornication is how the problem is tackled in this illogical, inhumane monogamous matrix.

There are just too many more Black women in civil society than there are Black men… WAY WAY WAY more, and there’s even a greater ratio between so called GOOD BLACK WOMEN and GOOD BLACK MEN… whether you’re talking educationally good, economically good, religiously good, well behaved good, or a combination of all of them or some mix thereof. The higher your standards, the slimmer the pickins. DIG THIS. There are entirely too few men to scratch “the itches” of so many women as devoted spiritual/social/sexual familial mates. Yet this unrealistic and arbitrary European Trinitarian monogamous marital system is the cultural bent of most American Women, and men, Black or White.

As a result, the competition to attract and hold a man is fierce. Many young men, realizing that there’s a sexual smorgasbord out there, change partners like they change underwear. Failure at doomed relationships born out of promiscuity, turned many of these women sexually cynical, and down right whorish, if not bi or homosexual.

These women have lived the results of the above statistical demographics. They’ve given up. There’s no handsome prince-like man coming to rescue them from sexual comatose with a true love kiss, or save them from a dragon whose lustful fiery breath turned their moral values and principles to distasteful ash, and imprisoned their sense of decency in a tower of broken hearted promiscuity.

These babes are not looking to marry. They just want to have that itch heterosexually scratched every now and again by any means necessary. Some have become bisexual. Others are willing to be satisfied by more than one stud who will use them every now and again for a once a month “booty call,” After some of these women reach thirty something, it’s the women who’re doing the booty calling. Dig it.

Who is using whom?

Many women whose hearts have been broken and squeezed into a lump of black coal dust, can’t even recognize the higher levels of male female relationships anymore. So, many of them will dress the part of a harlot in a hot New York Minute. Some of these sisters are highly educated, and professionally successful. They simply weren’t fortunate enough to be picked in the first rounds of the marital draft. So, they did not get the pick of the litter when they were young. So instead of hooking up with an older, already mated man in their class (if not economically, at least spiritually, intellectually, and politically), which social taboos placed out of their reach, they kept shopping. A girl has to have her standards. Unfortunately, most of these “standards” tend to be shallow, unrealistic, and “girlishly” immature. So, these “girls” keep choosing THE THRILLER, over, and over, again until they’re thrilled to spiritual death.

The answer to these sickening trends is Islam. Both Muta’ and Polygyny are valuable Islamic social institutions that can help purify some of the nastiness that’s going on in the community. And you immigrants who’re reading this essay, don’t think that the nastiness hasn’t touched your little Ahmad, and Faridah, better think again, and again, and again.

You sent them to public school. You have no idea of the pressure you put them under, because you were educated in the mother land. You see but you don’t see. So many of your girls are still single at 35, and you’d be shocked at how many have done the deed in secret. You’re not with them 24/7, and you can barely speak each other’s language. Do you really care to know what’s going on behind your back? Or is it out of sight out of mind? And the ones who have remained chaste, are living in a fantasy world of want and frustration, that’s a pitiful, shameful oppression.

Unfortunately, too many folks who are coming into this religion, as well as those who have been in this religion since birth look at Islam with a very distorted lens. Some are ethnocentric. They’re searching for or prioritizing a racial, national, or ethnic identity. Some just want to get a good man, or a good woman. Most immigrants just came here to become affluent, and safe. And too many immigrants, second generation indigenous Muslims, and converts, have no idea of what’s going on right in front of their eyes. And many of them don’t care.

Submission to Islamic principles and values has been made conditional… placed behind your ethnocentric cultural. Faith is on the verge of being terminally weak on the group and individual level. Some converts often still have the same values and principles that they had when they were out there in the streets, partying, fornicating, and masturbating. Some immigrants still have the same values and principles that they had in the old country, prioritizing neocolonial privilege & status, over community building around the dynamic Islamic Center of Daily Congregational Salat, Dua’, Islamic Education, and Community proselytizing.

How many of us really want to see real social change… IF… we’re the ones who have to do the changing? How many of us want to actually practice the customs of Prophet Muhammad, and the valued principles and practices of Islam to the extent that we totally turn away from the Western and Eastern “marital” cultural practices, principles, and values, and unilaterally adopt The Islamic Ones? How many women are ready to live with the basic fact that an Islamic family CAN morally hold more than one woman, and in some cases… SHOULD?

The basic principal in family is love. And love is wanting for THE LOVER what THE LOVER wants. So, how many of us working class, fairly affluent brothers and sisters will dare to empathize with that deserving sister that’s in our own association? I’m not talking about the foolish sister, or the sister who is teetering on the verge of insanity. I’m talking about that really good Quran knowing, strictly practicing, single sister who deserves the comfort, bliss, support, and dignity of a zauj who is like her, and likes her? Or the true Muslimah who is active and obviously striving to develop her deyn.

Will one of you adopt her into your family? Or will the lot of you condemn her to have to settle for a fool, a sinner (fasiq), or celibacy? Who will read the reality of the situation in the name of your Lord Who Creates, Worshiping Allah As AlWadud… The Ever Present Lover… wanting what Our Ever Present Lover Wants Us To Do As His Representative On Earth… following His Holy Messenger’s Perfect, and Obvious Example? Who has the loving heart to propose a familial alliance to that sister?

How many of us really want to turn away from the Post-slavery-isms, and Neocolonialisms that still enslave and dominate our thought process, and turn towards the life of Prophet Muhammad (S) for infallible guidance? How many brothers really want to come together to learn how to be good men? Or do yawl just congregate to watch sporting events, having insipid conversations like…

“Will Money Mayweather get that fight with Pac-man after all?” Do you sisters really want to come together to learn how to be good women? Or do you just come together to gossip and rag against men’s natural inclination towards sexually connecting with more than one woman?

God Help us all.

Divorce amongst Muslims in the Western World is off the charts. Folks don’t know how to behave at all. Sex is cheap. Love is undefined and rare. Pity is considered foolish, along with loyalty. Males are forcing the issue of polygyny rather than negotiating it, after lying during and after courtship about their determination to be monogamous.

Women are denying masculine nature but at the same time titillating it incessantly and formidably, choosing the easiest one’s to “catch” to mate with… the ones who swear up and down that they will comply with their demands while demanding nothing in return from their “Queens.” These easily caught brothers have to navigate in a cultural matrix swarming with needy, pitiful, pleading/demanding, nearly irresistible, deserving, and undeserving, super attractive women, Black, Brown, White, Yellow, and Red Women at work, school, the laundry mat, the bus stop, the bank… hey… you name it. Then these same siren sisters wonder why it was so easy for another siren sister to do the same “catching” of the same brother. Come on. Get real.

Islam is the answer. Hypocrisy and weak, selfish spirituality is the problem. We truly need a revolution of consciousness, conscience and behavior. And it better happen quickly. If you think this generation is bad. What is the next one going to be like if the big fix is delayed much longer?

Addendum: “You Must Want For Your Brother What You Want For Your Self.” This is one of the Muslims’ most important, and commonly known self-evident Islamic Principles. This charitable concept applies to women on one level even more so than it does to men. For it is virtuous for a man to be reasonably jealous that another man should lay with his wife. But it is a great sin for a woman to be jealous of another woman to lawfully lay with her husband. In that way the sisterhood finds a kind of familial strength that the brotherhood cannot naturally even entertain. Unfortunately, The Muslim Sisterhood is woefully lacking, these days, in sisterly empathy for their less fortunate religious sisters, and are consequently failing dramatically in this realm of Islamic Virtue.





Al-Islam, the religion of the Muslims, recognizes that the human sexual drive is normally natural, healthy and (under the auspice of the spiritual/social contract of marriage) ordained by God Almighty. Allah created sex. Muslims are commanded not to consider sex as something shameful or bad in men, or women.

However, like any other appetite, we have been taught by Allah through His Prophet to control the sexual drive. Muslims are allowed to eat all the clean foods of the earth. However, we are told not to let our appetites turn us into greedy gluttons. We are to observe moderation. Muslims are not encouraged to be vegetarians. Muslims are allowed to eat any kind of properly killed, clean meat. Yet, The Prophet Muhammad has been reported to have said, “Do not turn your bellies into a graveyard for animals.”

Once again, guide lines have been Divinely set, and even within those guidelines, moderation has been encouraged. Behaving outside of these Divinely set guidelines, beyond the realm of moderation is an offense against God, and our own human nature. In other words, this kind of deviant behavior is a sin.

Muslims universally consider fornication a great sin. However, fornication is considered a crime in an Islamic state. The punishment for being tried and convicted of fornication is a very severe beating. Adultery, however, is considered a crime punishable by death.

Modern folks tend to believe that sexual misbehavior, considered not only sinful, but unlawful for thousands of years, is healthy human behavior. It is the arrogant secular aversion for the concept of theocratic governance and law that has caused this unchaste paradigm shift. “The government has no right to interfere with what a person does in the privacy of their own bedroom, and death is really a inhuman punishment for adultery,” modern man screams unabashedly.

In a very real since, Islam agrees.

Though Allah has legislated severe penalties for being convicted of breaking these sexual laws, it is very, very difficult to actually convict a person on charges of fornication or adultery. The burden of proof is on the accuser. And Islam requires a preponderant amount of proof in order to convict, and at the same time holds invasion of privacy a serious crime, forbidden by individuals and government agencies.

Law enforcement has the right to infiltrate your organization if it suspects you of murder or violent civil or political intrigue. The government does not, however have the right to put cameras or spys in your bedroom to investigate your sexual behavior.

These penalties are designed more as a deterrent, and Muslim governments, even theocratic ones, have always practiced a strict policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” Allah legislated these severe punishments for fornication, and adultery to punctuate the statement that these anti-social sexual acts are lethal assaults on the institution of family, and therefore un-Islamic, unnatural and intolerable.

It is very difficult to convict someone of adultery or fornication in an Islamic court. However, though Islam is not permissive, Islam is not prudish. Islam is a middle ground fostering love, family, nature and sanity.

Islamic law frowns upon and vigorously discourages premarital sex, no doubts about it. Yet Islam, according to the Jafaria (Shia) School Of Jurisprudence, was never meant to be Victorian, stiff and unreasonable. Youth is the springtime of life, and even in many older people, sexual energy runs high.

Though the sap in some youngsters may be running heavily, it is often too soon for young birds to fly free of the nest. Modern social-economic pressures demand four years of high school; four years of college (for some) and (for an elite few) four or more years of graduate school. Often times this university level work is done in Western or Eastern countries where Muslims are a rarity and Islam is a novelty.

In these countries sexual stimulation is universal, inadvertent, indiscriminate and casual. Sexual promiscuity is normal. Indecency (skimpily clad females) is considered a prerequisite for social acceptance. Fornication is a social duty, and chastity is a word lost to antiquity. Who is foolish enough to believe young Muslim men and women should remain sexually starved, lonely and frustrated especially in these kinds of sexually stimulating environments until they turn 30?

Many Muslim youths brought up under these adverse conditions do not remain chaste. Many contract nikkah (a standard marriage) just to maintain their sanity. Others fall or dive into sin, and oftentimes can not climb back out from it. Much of the loose family ties and moral corruption that has been introduced into Muslim countries happened due to a domination of the Western all’s-fair-in-love-and-war values while Muslim students studying abroad. These un-Islamic values dominate because the real Islamic values had never been taught to them in the first place. In most Muslim countries, Muslim Victorianism dominates, and the beauty of Islamic practices and philosophies are ridiculed with little or no open minded study.

For many American and European converts, becoming Muslim has been like “joining a convent or monastery.” In non-Muslim countries finding a mate who will be compatible with your commitment to God, Prophet, his way of life and the world community of Muslims, is most times, very difficult.

Many non-Islamic women think practicing Muslim men a nice novelty. They feel Muslim men are good providers who respect their women better than most. Therefore some non-Muslim women often see Muslim men as a “good bet.”

Non-Muslim men see practicing Muslim women as submissive and devoted. In many cases, these opinions of good Muslim men and women are true. But often, the non-Muslim party wants a Muslim, but does not want to live an Islamic lifestyle.

As a result, painful divorce amongst American and European Muslims is high. The more religious a person (who is Muslim) is, the greater is his or her chances of being married to loneliness.

Many years of loneliness can take a great toll on a person’s resolve. The temptations are many. Satan presses the attack aided by all kinds of social pressures. Many allow the excuses to become “legitimate,” and find themselves doing what they did before they became Muslim. They fornicate.

“I just can’t go though another hellified marriage with a person who just won’t do right and won’t let me do right, in peace. And I don’t believe ALLAH wants me to castrate myself.” So they fornicate.

Many youngsters and elders make a nikah (permanent marriage) with a total stranger, compelled by sexual need thrown in overdrive because of loneliness over a long period of time. Many of these marriages lead to either a life long unhappy marriage or divorce. Both tends to leave children either without a parent and (or) with shaken faith, warped perceptions about members of the opposite sex, and a focus traumatically dislodged from a God-conscious center. Some men and more women apostate as a result, and/or suffer severe emotional imbalance.

During the time of Prophet Muhammad, many Muslims were faced with many of the same social problems. The Muslims in Mekka were few. They were usually young, poor and socially disadvantaged. Making nikah with women whose faith was suspect was a big problem, and later in Prophet’s mission, Allah forbid Muslim men from marrying polytheists, and a Muslim women from marrying polytheists, Christians, Jews; all non-Muslim men.

Just as now, single Muslim women were rare. The Islamic social tradition pertaining to the proper etiquette between unmarried men and women were very strict, as they are these days. The preservation and development of male and female chastity and modesty has always been and always will be one of the cornerstones of Islam. Yet, during Prophet’s time, just as today in the west, many non-Muslim women could not warm up emotionally to a man if they did not have some sort of romantic dealings with him first. Especially not a man who was poor.

The early Muslims, especially the young scholars and gnostic who were partisans of the boyish Iman Ali, were dirt poor. People like Ammar, and Bilal were much too poor to attract the interest of a good, chaste maiden’s father or brother, and it would have been an offense to their modesty to woo a young woman directly. Super men like these simply remained chaste, kept their balance and thrived spiritually. But for others, these problems had to be solved.

An institution that existed before the time of Prophet (S) called Mutah (temporary marriage) solved many of these problems.

Emotionally, mutah is very similar to the American practice of going steady. Mutah, however, is religiously binding. Any children resulting from a union in Mutah are the moral and legal responsibility of the father. Any children from a Mutah union inherit just like children from a nikah union. Begetting children, however, is not encouraged in mutah relationships.

Coitus interrupts and other reasonable birth control methods were and are encouraged often times in temporary (mutah) marriages. Non-sexual mutah is also frequently encouraged. This is a temporary marriage where the parties agree to abstain from sexual intercourse, but lifts the restrictions that separate males and females in Islamic culture. Plus, if at anytime BOTH parties agree to lift the non-sexual restriction from their mutah, they can also legally enjoy sexual intercourse.

As you see, Mutah is different from going steady in that:

  1. Mutah contains the dignified status of a 15 hundred year marital religious custom.
  2. Offspring are legitimate in that their parents are bound spiritually. Children inherit and must be legally provided for.
  3. Unlike a nikah, mutah MUST be contracted within the knowledge and consent of the family, especially the girl’s family. She is the one who’s liable to be impregnated by a lust driven experiment, after being seduced by a worldly sexual predator who’d take advantage of her vulnerability. This is a safeguard that’s missing in dating and going steady. And it is one of the most abused facets of mutah.
  4. Mutah is not promoting promiscuity like going steady.

In Mutah, like Nikah, a woman vows to wait 3 (three) menstrual cycles before entering into any other marital relationship, at the culmina tion of a mutah. This makes identifying the paternity of offspring if impregnated, a lot easier. The 3 cycle waiting period is called iddah. Iddah not only prevents confusion as to the parentage of the off-spring; it prevents unchecked passions from creating situations where unscrupu- lous women motivated by lust, passion and greed are jumping in and out of strange men’s beds like prostitutes.

The difference between nikah and mutah is simple. Nikah is designed to be permanent. Mutah is designed to be temporary. In mutah, there must be a certain duration of time set, after which the relationship must be renewed, and made permanent (nikah) or terminated. The time limit can vary from a day, months, and/or years. It depends solely on the couple who are making mutah.

In this way, unlike going steady, men and women who enter into a relationship of mutah are under no pretension, or sophomoric, unrealistic illusions. They enter into a mutah knowing the purpose is to enjoy one another sexually, or non sexually. It is a social/sexual experiment. It is not permanent. They do not have to pretend that the lust they feel for one another is love. They are free to enjoy one another under the restrictions of mutah, without the rigid formalities Islam imposes on men and women who are uncommitted to one another. Being thus free, they can explore each other’s character to see if they are compatible beyond the sexual.

They can touch, hug, kiss and speak affectionately to each other. Although intercourse in some mutah cases is not encouraged, they can, in fact, go all the way, if both parties agree. Nevertheless, they are spiritually wedded and under Islamic precedence, legally married.

They must, however, bear in mind that their marital relationship is limited in time, privilege and responsibility. And if the woman does become impregnated, they are duty bound to provide a permanent, stable family relationship for that child.

Mutah provides a sane, practical, and responsible method for a God-fearing Muslim man and woman to become familiar with one another, and to enjoy each other’s company and affection, recognizing that this union is experimental and not permanent by design. It was not instituted to last. It will not endure. If it is to evolve into an established family, mutah must be dissolved and reconstituted as a nikah.

In this way, Islam provides a way by which promiscuity is checked, yet a responsible couple has license to drop normal Islamic frigidity traditionally imposed on members of the opposite sex.

Thus, healthy, warm, close, caring and often times meaningful sexual relationships can be entered into by responsible Muslim men and women who do not necessarily want to set up housekeeping.

This is a middle ground between Victorian prudishness, and American licentiousness. We believe this middle ground is a healthy, sane, God instituted and necessary outlet, especially in Western society. Islam recognizes the need for many men and women to have close contact with members of the opposite sex before nikah because of circumstances, and or personal preference. Islam also recognizes the need for strong social restraints to be placed on sexual relationships, but it also recognizes the need for a middle ground between celibacy and life partnership.

We humans have the potential to be like angels trapped in flesh. We are simultaneously gross physical matter and extremely fine light energy. Angels are pure creative energy–the essence of light. Humans are created from a combination of mud and blood, plus pure creative energy.

The earth is a field of struggle in which each and every human is duty bound by Divine Decree to raise in consciousness, attitude, associations and behavior from a low animal level to a high angelic level. One must overcome the pull of the beast within to accomplish this mission.

The animal nature relentlessly drives the human will to gratify the lower, gross appetites at all cost and by any means whatsoever. The animal nature has no regard for any propriety, decency, modesty or long term effects. Faith, selflessness, modesty, chastity, humility, moderation, temperance, etc., have no relevance on the animal level.

On the level of sex, the animal drive can become oppressively obsessive. It can dominate one’s thoughts, arrange one’s priorities, and breakdown the boundaries that separate human beings from beasts. It can get gross; very, very nasty and very ugly. Yet, the soul possessed by sexual lust will view it as something great, good, natural and sensitive. In this society, (in America) men and women enter into sinful sexual relationships as early as 12 and 13 years old. They don’t usually enter into marriage, however, until they are in their mid to late 20’s.

Men and women in lust crazed states of mind and geopolitics, flirt with one another like dogs. They arouse one another casually at school, work and their places of worship. In their mating rituals called parties, however, they cast all caution to the wind.

Drinking alcohol to destroy their mind’s natural inhibiting defenses, flirtation is deliberate, serious, and effective. Both male and female attire is immodestly revealing, tight fitting and sexually seductive. Dancing is the primary activity of clubs and parties. They jump, step, pose and gyrate in front of one another in all kinds of sexually suggestive dances. Some dances require the dance partners, who are sometimes total strangers, to press their bodies together and rhythmically rub their private parts against each other’s bodies through their clothing.

They kiss, touch, and pet one another in a dark room filled with people with the sound of romantic and/or arousing music, plus alcoholic drinks and other socially acceptable, if not socially legal intoxicants (drugs); many of which like cocaine and marijuana are aphrodisiacs (sexual stimulants).

Many couples are introduced in this party atmosphere. Sometimes they flirted with one another casually for weeks or months at school, or work or even at their place of worship. So by the time they get to the party, they want each other passionately.

After dancing and drinking, touching and looking, the aroused animal level has suppressed the spiritual level altogether. All the sermons, the moral lessons, the personal values are tossed out the window (if there ever were any in the first place). Lust dominates, and as soon as they can arrange to be alone, they will RUSH toward one another to copulate like dogs in heat. No need for words. No promises. No poems. Just sex; raw dry iced and nasty.

They usually find themselves still unsatisfied…still unfulfilled. In fact, they are oftentimes more frustrated than they were before they fornicated. Because unlike animals, most humans, especially young ones, have something called a conscience. In addition, all humans, unlike animals, have intellects and other sensitivities that must be tended to at the same time as their lusts. If these sensitivities go untended, the sex act often fails to reach a state of fulfillment.

In women, this is a source of extreme frustration and in men it is a cause of deep embarrassment and feelings of inadequacy. So because of a social norm that promotes fornication, a Pandora’s Box filled with all kinds of emotional, psychological and physical problems are uncovered and released upon an unsuspecting people who end up oppressed and oppressing in a frustrating state of unchecked lust.

The Qu’ran and Prophet Muhammad were sent to help spiritually conscious people to conquer these immoral states. But it was never intended that Muslims would become cold-blooded prudes. Muslims are not allowed to legally become dogs, but Prophet himself encourages Muslims to be sensitive, warm, gentle and romantic, and highly competent and effective lovers.

This cultural prudishness that frowns on mutah, encourages sight unseen nikah, and turns a blind eye to zinah (fornication) is the work of the Devil; Shaytan ArRajeem. This is not Islam. This is not submission to Allah. This is not a real desire to adopt the ways of Prophet Muhammad. This is cultural slavery, ancestor worship of sorts. This is the same kind of culturally inspired social hang-ups that have many Muslim women dressing like Americans, Africans and Hindu pagans; bearing their hair or wrapping it when Allah’s orders are too clear to be controversial. Allah! Allah!

As a result, our weakest people, mostly young, resort to illegal, immoral, sinful sex. Foreign students while here in America and Europe and newly converted indigenous Americans, who are sometimes the strongest and strictest Muslims in the community, are forced to endure a life of unnatural, anti-Islamic celibacy for sometimes over a decade after they come to this country or enter into Islam. How cruel, and thoughtless! How completely deviating from the Islamic Model.

Mutah is a God send. It is so much deeper than going steady. Though going steady carries a vague sense of commitment, it oftentimes is done after the parties have fornicated. Mutah is spiritual, dignified, lawful, just and humane. In mutah the spiritual (or at least the intellectual level) must be somewhat compatible. Both parties must agree that there exist between them, higher degrees of compatibility other than just sexual. They have to explore each other through conversation at least long enough to agree on a time set, a gift for the woman as a token of their contract in wedlock, and a simple vow which is binding in the court of Allah.

Only then can a Muslim claim to be wedded under the sanctuary of mutah. Only under this umbrella can a Muslim man and woman intimately explore, experiment and develop their sexual compatibility at an intermediate state between the rigid social restrictions Islam imposes on uncommitted inter-sexual relationships, and the very heavy, nearly indelible social-religious responsibilities a couple vows to undertake when they set up housekeeping Islamically through nikah.

Without mutah the only other alternatives would be “going together,” which is nothing but fornication; celibacy until nikah, and nikah often times with a person who is a virtual stranger and suspect as to his or her compatibility on many levels.

Intercourse itself is a biological marriage. Allah calls on all who believe and submit to His Will as it is unveiled by The Muhammadan Tradition, to call on the Divine Agency to legitimize and sanctify their sexual union. Sexual desires are real, healthy (for the most part), and all too human and natural. Sometimes the satisfaction, of these legitimate and natural desires need a legitimate institution between sexual segregation and setting up housekeeping, to insure that these less serious sexual encounters remain fair, just, spiritual, clean and sane.

One may naturally need a sexual partner, but for whatever social, economic or spiritual reason that person may not need and/or want a life partner. Though a life partnership is not desired, Allah has not damned natural sexual need. Rather Allah has instituted a most human and dignified method to fulfill these sexual needs when contracting a life partnership is undesirable and/or unwise. When the need to be sexually and/or socially closer than is Islamically acceptable and under uncommitted circumstances and conditions arises, Allah says protect and preserve moral decency and purity by employing the Divine Agency of Mutah.

