

After 3 Years of US/Israeli/Saudi War of Aggression, Yemen Refuses to Surrender (Video)

March 27, 2018
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Yemen has been suffering a war of aggression backed primarily by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, U.K., and Israel for the past three years. It is the world’s richest nations bombing one of the world’s poorest nations, all for the crime of the Yemeni people daring to declare their independence from Zionist and imperialist hegemony.

Despite nearly total silence from the people of the West, as well as the silence of a big percentage of the people of the Muslim world, the resistance of the people of Yemen, vis-a-vis the popular Ansarullah movement, is dealing a heavy blow to the Saudis.

Imagine that. The Yemenis are under a total siege and blockade from the land and sea. Contrary to popular lies, the Houthis are not being armed by Iran, though they have every right to be. Saudi is being flooded with advanced weapons from the U.S. and U.K., but in a classic display of what happens when you have one side who is not willing to die for a cause, and another side who has the morals, has the truth on their side, they are willing to die to defend their independence, their dignity, and their goal to target the heads of the Dajjal (antichrist) snake in the region: Israel and its puppet states like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. No matter how much money and technology and Western backing the Saudis have, they don’t have heart and they don’t have God. That is why they are being defeated so swiftly against Yemenis who barely have flip-flops, let alone food, medicine, and water.

Aside from not having the basic essentials of living, the Yemeni people don’t even have the sympathy of the so-called “international community” who has failed in every sense. The Soros-backed human-rights-industrial-complex has failed because Human Rights Watch and Shamnesty International are tools of global Zionism to target countries who are resistant to Zionism and imperialism and label them as “backwards” and “humanitarian catastrophes.” The so-called “Ummah” has failed, because many Muslims are sectarian and hate that the Ansarullah movement is Shi’a-led, although it is diverse in its inclusion of Zaydis and Sunnis. There are also Shi’a Muslims who are so West-toxified and Judaized, or just plain cowardly, that they don’t have the heart nor the spine to see that Ansarullah is on the right side of history, and therefore they refuse to speak out against this war. Then there are the fake antiwar groups that love to point out the branches of the rotten tree (Saudi Arabia), but always misdirect away from the roots of said tree (global Zionism). Groups such as Codepink have sabotaged genuine grassroots protest efforts because the rhetoric of such efforts pointed out the Zionist tumor’s role in the war on Yemen by refusing to be a co-sponsor of the grassroots efforts.

The cause for Yemeni independence and dignity is a human cause, is an Islamic cause, is a Christian cause, is an Arab cause, is a revolutionary cause. We here at Insight Media will champion their cause through art and culture. That is why we have free, full-length music streaming of God-conscious, revolutionary artists who give a damn about the oppressed of the world in a sincere fashion. With art comes culture, which is why we teamed up recently with Intifada Street Art to produce a line of certified organic cotton t-shirts and other accessories that feature artwork dedicated to resistant Yemen.

In the future, we even plan to have a special t-shirt design that benefits a charity in Yemen. Subscribe to our newsletter to be alerted when these products drop.

Video credit: Pure Stream Media


Watch: Michael Jackson Tells the Truth About the Evil Music Industry

March 13, 2018
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In this video, pop music legend Michael Jackson tells the uncomfortable truth about Sony and the music industry:


Michael Jackson had a tough time as an Afro-American entertainer in a sick, perverted town known as Hollywood.

Why is Hollywood not only perverted, but a home to anti-black racism?

As Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein and celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz have noted, Jews control the media. They’re not “antisemites,” they are both Jews themselves.

The Jewish people split off from the Israelites around the time of the death of the Prophet Solomon, where there was a conflict between Israel and Judea. Biblical Prophet Jeremiah then told the Jews they would be punished for their worship of Baal and thus were taken by the Babylonians.

Since then, the behavior of the vast majority of Jews (with the exception of a very few, as the Qur’an says repeatedly that the Jews do not have faith except a few) has been that of rebellion against God.

Of course, with the worship of the golden calf during the time of Moses, there was still much arrogance among the Children of Israel in previous years, but there were still pious and decent people among them. By the time of Solomon, there had been too much corruption, deviation, and rebellion by a majority of the Jewish people who had taken to idol worship, which stems from the racist belief that they are the “chosen” race, and therefore it doesn’t matter what they do, God loves them for their incidence of birth of being born into a bloodline.

The Bible and Qur’an are both clear that God loathes racism and instead judges human beings based on their piety and actions. Judaism, however, is a racist belief based on ethnic superiority of the “chosen people” over the “goyim.”

From the death of Solomon onwards, the Jews distorted the original Torah and changed into the Old Testament, which is mostly tales of spilling the blood of gentiles in complete utter racism towards them, and then the Talmud, which further instills the racial superiority of Jews and bigotry against gentiles. Additionally, those who go against the Rabbis and Sages are to be hated too. Jesus was one of those people, and that is why in the Talmud (Gittin 57a) it says Jesus is “in hell…sitting forever in boiling excrement.”

Criticism of Judaism is not based on racial hatred or bias, as racism is something that is alien to what pleases God Almighty. Racism is alien to both Christianity and Islam. There are many people from Jewish backgrounds who have ditched the racism of the Old Testament and the Talmud and left their Jewish ideology for that of Christianity or Islam, thus considering themselves as a brother and sister in humanity, as part of one human family, rather than viewing themselves as superior and the rest of humanity as subhuman.

When it comes to Afro-Americans, there is a special bigotry held against them by the Jewish ideology.

The “Curse of Ham” is the Jewish belief that God punished Noah’s disbelieving son Ham by making his skin black.

Behind white supremacist European racists were Jewish supremacists bankers that kept the Transatlantic Slave Trade’s gears rolling through their control of the Rothschild-owned Bank of England. This is documented in the book series The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, which contains a thick bibliography of historical and academic sources cited.

Haaretz noted in an article about Jewish life in early America that prominent and wealthy Jewish families settled in the southern areas of America during the 1600s and 1700s. The Monsanto family got their start when Dutch Jew Issac Monsanto came to New Orleans, Louisiana. “In 1853, New Orleans lawyer Judah Benjamin would become the countrys first Jewish senator and later serve as the Confederacy’s secretary of state.” That’s right, Judah Benjamin was the Secretary of State of the Confederacy. Aside from taking part in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Jews supported the Confederacy’s rebellion against the abolition of African slavery. David Levy Yulee, a Judaic Confederate supporter, was a Senator from Florida and was arrested after the Civil War for helping Confederate President Jefferson Davis to escape.

The Haaretz article continues: “Come the Civil War (1861-1865), [New Orleans’] merchant Jewish population largely favored the Confederacy, prompting Union General Ulysses Grant to issue General Order No. 11 in 1862, at the wars height, expelling all Jews from Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi in an attempt to cut down on illegal cotton trade between the North and South – an unprecedented move in U.S. history.” The United States of America cracked down on Confederate Jewish businessman who were engaging in illegal cotton trading produced by the blood, sweat, and tears of African slaves. The only other U.S. president after Abraham Lincoln to stand up to Jewish power was John F. Kennedy, who tried to curb Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program.

Is it any wonder then that Jews in America went from owning African slaves and having prominent positions in the Confederacy, to then gaining high power in the entertainment industry, only to push the most abject and negative stereotypes/images of Afro-Americans to the masses?

Hip-hop music started out as a form of social/political consciousness, meant to be the voice of the oppressed in the ghettos of America. But then in Los Angeles, a new type of rap music emerged out of the crack-cocaine industry that was kickstarted by the CIA and Israeli Mossad. Gangsta rap came about when Jewish-Israeli entertainment businessman Jerry Heller helped push NWA into the spotlight. Hip-hop was officially corporatized, and at the same time, Public Enemy’s Professor Griff was kicked out of Public Enemy because he told the truth about the Jewish role in the majority of the suffering, wars, and poverty in the world, effectively killing conscious hip-hop music and paving the way for a new generation of music that would mold the minds of the masses into glorifying criminality, which would drastically alter the lifestyles of black youth towards drugs and crime, which would ultimately fill up the beds of privately-owned prisons, which are owned by the same people who own the media.

Rap music today, which is being pimped to the public by the Jewish-led entertainment industry, is not only glorifying criminality, but it is glorifying all kinds of gluttony, hedonism, promiscuity, disrespect/objectification of women, and now is even glorifying homosexuality, cross-dressing, and other deviant sexual behaviors, all being digested by the minds of young kids.

This is a similar trap that Michael Jackson found himself in. The music industry’s overlords had him portray an image of gender ambiguity and dancing that portrays hypersexuality, for music that is ultimately used in clubs and other situations where promiscuity is the main goal of the attendees of such gatherings. They did the same thing to Prince, except his cross-dressing was even more pronounced than Michael’s.

However, both Prince and Michael had an awakening. There will be an article dedicated to Prince soon, but let’s focus on Michael Jackson for now.

God judges everyone based on their circumstances. Michael Jackson was no saint, but to awaken even to the smallest extent and then to begin to rebel against the system he was used and abused by to distort the minds of the masses, is huge. Despite all his problems and flaws, it is safe to say that it is almost certain that he did not molest children. Those allegations came out after he double-crossed the gangsters that own the media. Which is ironic, because we know now that the people who run the media are themselves the biggest pedophiles.

Everyone gets influenced by their environment, and those who have the purity in their heart and that innate connection to God, even if we are not conscious of it and are steeped in apathy and sin at the current moment in our life, eventually God will put a sign and a test in our life that will awaken it if we are truly seeking guidance.

Actor and comedian Dave Chappelle once said that we shouldn’t blame entertainers if they seem a little bit odd, that many of them are strong people. Maybe it is the environment [of Hollywood] that is sick, Chappelle concluded.

To wake up and confront Sony Music for their parasitic ways is heroic and a sign that he is trying to undo the damage of the ways they used him to mold the minds of the masses.

It is also possible that Michael Jackson converted to Islam. His brother Jermaine Jackson seems to hint at it (please ignore that the interview comes from Saudi Israelia’s official TV station).

Sony Music refused to promote Jackson’s album Invincible. Also, on songs such as “They Don’t Care About Us”, released in 1996, Jackson had to re-record and alter the lyrics after allegations of “antisemitism.”

Jackson was also becoming outspoken in the public with activism against the music industry (again, please ignore charlatans like Al Sharpton).

In this speech, Jackson says that the music industry especially conspires against black artists.

He also slammed the news media and the lies that are in history books.

The history of Jewish anti-black racism, bigotry, and slave-driving tells us exactly why black artists get short end of the stick.

Joel Stein and Alan Dershowitz think that Jewish media ownership is not something to be ashamed of, they view it as an accomplishment. Well, if they are such “chosen” men of God, then they are responsible for all the filth that comes out of Hollywood that distorts the minds of the masses and takes them away from God and an upright way of life.

Stein and Dershowitz make it emphatically clear that it is not some imaginary conspiracy that Jews own the media. It’s not an empty statement nor some intangible amorphous blob that cannot be named nor identified. Rather, the most basic of research can find the names of the media owners. Brian Roberts, Rupert Murdoch, Aviv Nevo, Larry Solov & Andrew Breitbart, Jeff Zucker, the Ochs-Sulzberger family, etc.




Warmongers Beware: Insight Media Teams Up with Intifada Street Art for Revolutionary Clothing Line

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Move over RocaWear. RevoWear is here.

Insight Media is humbled and honored to announce a special partnership with the overwhelmingly talented resistance artist Mohammad Hamza, founder of Intifada Street art, for a revolutionary clothing line that will offer the human family a powerful tool in using positive art/culture against the negative energy that comes from the empire’s psychological warfare tactics.

Stunning artwork that depicts the struggle of mankind against the Satanic empire that runs the world, particularly the righteous individuals who have accepted the duty to rise above the rest and take on the head of the snake that keeps all of humanity down.

Palestine’s Leila Khaled, Yemen’s Ansarullah, Iran’s Mohsen Hojaji, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, and many more will be featured in stunning art pieces donned on certified organic cotton t-shirts, baby/toddler outfits, and more.

Aside from revolutionary personalities, revolutionary themes will be present as well: 9/11 truth; Muslim-Christian unity; abolishing the Federal Reserve; Wahabbism as a product of global Zionism; the pernicious effect of Jewish billionaire George Soros in fomenting color revolutions across the globe; exposing the Frankfurt School’s agenda to demoralize Muslims & Christians; the Zionist control of the Western mainstream (and even alternative) media; Hollywood’s war on our consciousness; positive messages depicting the morals and virtues common to Christianity and Islam; and more.

Many of the music artists on Insight Media’s free streaming service and online digital music store will also have merchandise through our platform. The two go hand-in-hand: music and the culture that goes with it can either promote God or promote the devil. We aim to use both music and culture in the way of God against the devil.

Additionally, some of the products we will be selling will be used to benefit charities in Yemen, Palestine, Nigeria, America, Iraq, and more to help the oppressed and downtrodden.

Aside from t-shirts, there will also be hats, posters, phone cases, and more.

Righteous figures throughout history, such as Malcolm X, have spoke about the pernicious and powerful effect that media has over us. Media is just a medium of exchange of information, but unfortunately the majority of media that we are exposed to here in the West is controlled by people who are evil and do not follow the moral codes sent by God as a mercy to mankind. That is why using the medium of art/culture to counteract the negative material being pushed by the mainstream media, Hollywood, and showbiz is so powerful. Do not underestimate the significance of our clothing line in having an effect on the collective consciousness in the West.

The products will be added to our webstore soon. Sign up for our newsletter to find out when the products will officially launch. We appreciate your support and together we can shift the downward spiral of degeneracy affecting Western culture and transform it into a culture of God-consciousness, virtue, dignity, compassion, morality, honesty, and standing up to the oppressors of our time.

Supreme AftermathMic Divine (feat. Blacastan)Main AttractionLong Way to Go (feat. Gift of Gab & Cyrus Deshield)Devil's Shadow (feat. Divine Styler & Rite Hook)Guerrilla Soldiers (feat. Planet Asia)Energetic DartsThe Procedure (feat. G. Dot & Born)Blood of Our BrothersWords in Red (feat. Shabazz the Disciple)The Worst Part (feat. Red Baren)No SurrenderExperience the StruggleWhere's Justice? (feat. Krumbsnatcha)