Come Vertically, Return Horizontally – Women’s Longsleeve Shirt


Sayed Hasan’s stern message to the American-Zionist presence in West Asia is embodied in a stunning women’s hijab-friendly long sleeve designed by Intifada Street Art. Check the size chart before ordering. Ships worldwide!


“One should not harm any American citizens or tourists in the United States or in the Middle East. The response will be against the American military presence only – because they are responsible for the illegal assassination.” – Sayed Hasan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah

This shirt featuring stunning artwork of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah by Mohammad Hamza of Intifada Street perfectly illustrates how the tables have turned in West Asia. As Jesus and Muhammad promised, the meek and righteous shall inherit the earth from the wicked globe-holders in the era of Dajjal/antichrist.

Men’s/unisex t-shirt available here.

SIZE CHART (to insure proper coverage):

It is time for the American empire to become an American republic and focus on its own borders and its own people rather than sustaining a Satanic house of cards built off the blood of millions of innocent people around the globe. The blood of Martyr Qasem Soleimani – who recently defeated ISIS, which was created by “Israel” and America – has awoken the Muslims and Christians of the region, because their safety from the onslaught of ISIS terrorists is thanks to the sacrifices of this man which the Zionist regime and the US assassinated by a cowardly drone strike.

American soldiers, brainwashed into fighting wars for global Zionism (whose military headquarters is in Washington D.C. and political headquarters is in “Tel Aviv”) through the 19 years of lies about the false flag attack that took place on 9/11, have committed untold butchery and slaughter of Iraq and Afghanistan, and their comrades in US intelligentsia have been covertly supporting sectarian death squads (both “Sunni” and “Shia” alike) in cahoots with their “Israeli” counterparts who run the P2OG contracting firm, not the least of which is ISIS. Such policies do not benefit the American people, but rather the twisted, messianic aims of the Zionist neoconservative political elites in D.C. along with the big bankers who stand to profit off of such mass murder. Such grotesque, Satanic domination of innocent peoples of the world is certainly not derived from Christian values, which America claims to have, but rather the Judeo-Masonic “enlightenment” era values of the nation’s black magic occultist founders.

Those brave, God-fearing American visionaries who tried to make the US government abide by the US Constitution as well as Christian moral principles – such as John F. Kennedy, Benjamin Freedman, Malcolm X, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, Michael Collins Piper, son of 9/11 victim and original WeAreChange founder Dan Wallace, former CIA analyst Philip Giraldi, Dr. Tony Martin, Michael Hoffman, E. Michael Jones, Malcolm Latif Shabazz, and many others, black, white, brown, Christian, and Muslim alike – have either been assassinated by the CIA & Mossad or have had their names dragged through the mud by the mainstream media. Had they been allowed to rise to leadership, perhaps America wouldn’t be the blood-stained empire it is today. But instead, most of them rose to an even higher position: martyrdom.

It would do the American people well to follow in the footsteps of those brave souls who tried to prevent the United States from being the strongarm of the New World Order if they truly do not want American soldiers to return in coffins as the peoples of West Asia exercise their legitimate right to establish their national sovereignty and independence from the bloodthirsty occupation of the American military and the global Zionist power configuration. Not that every single American enlisted in the military is an innocent pawn fighting wars for “Israel” who doesn’t know what they are getting into, many are indeed out for blood and pose a danger to anyone who is in their way. The people of West Asia are within their rights to expel the murderous US-Zionist presence from the region by any means necessary. 19 years in to the farcical “War on Terror,” they have lost. Militarily, they have lost. Economically, the US is trillions in debt. Socially, America has become Sodom and Gomorrah. Politically, America has less and less real freedoms (with more fake “freedoms” like the ability to engage in sexual debauchery). The era of victories is ahead for the Islamic Resistance Axis and their Christian allies. No more will the arrogant butchers of the world who have closets full of carcasses of innocent women, children, and men be able to waltz into any country they like and Satanically slaughter civilians like it is nothing to them. They will come vertically, and leave horizontally. Whether America likes it or not, they will become a Republic, either voluntarily or by force.

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2X-Large, Large, Medium, Small, X-Large


Natural, Night


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