Quds Day – Benefits Palestine Charity – Certified Organic Cotton T-Shirt

Due to “Israel” murdering occupied Palestinians with impunity, proceeds from this certified organic cotton shirt with Intifada Street art will benefit If Americans Knew to raise awareness about the crimes of the Zionist entity. Ships worldwide!

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Due to recent and ongoing atrocities committed by “Israel” in occupied Palestine, Insight Media is offering a special certified organic cotton men’s shirt and women’s long sleeve with Intifada Street artwork dedicated to International Quds Day that will be used to raise money for If Americans Knew, an important organization that presents the facts about the occupation of Palestine and its global implications.

The IOF operates with complete impunity and openly brags on Twitter about how they engage in premeditated murder of occupied Palestinians. This type of demonic hubris is being subsidized by American and British taxpayers. By purchasing this charity shirt, we can offset our culpability in our governments’ support of the Zionist entity’s crimes.

We are offering both men’s t-shirts and women’s long sleeves (perfect for hijabis).

For the sake of transparency, the distribution of funds from each t-shirt sale is follows (for standard sizes, 2XL & 3XL are $2 extra):

  • $17 to the drop-shipping company that prints the shirts
  • $7 split between Insight Media and Intifada Street
  • $10 to If Americans Knew

For each women’s long sleeve, the distribution is as follows:

  • $20 to the drop-shipping printing company
  • $8 split between Insight Media and Intifada Street
  • $12 to If Americans Knew


Here’s a closer look at Mohammad Hamza’s (Intifada Street) stunning Quds Day artwork featured on the shirt:

The stunning artwork depicts two paths humanity must choose from: arrogance and resistance to arrogance. It was made to honor International Quds Day, a holiday established by Imam Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic Revolution that liberated Iran from the US/”Israeli”-backed puppet known as the Shah.

On the right hand side, it depicts those who resist global Zionism’s arrogance. From top to bottom: Bolivia’s Evo Morales and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, both of whom kicked out the World Bank and IMF from their country and ending the stranglehold of the usurious global banking cartel; 1948, a reminder of the Nakba tragedy that killed and displaced Palestinians to create the worst and longest ongoing refugee crisis of our time; Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky of Nigeria, who watched 1,000 of his non-violent followers were mercilessly gunned down by the Nigerian military, and subsequently non-fatally shooting him and his wife before detaining them indefinitely, after Zakzaky exposed the Boko Haram terrorist group as a creation of the “Israeli” Mossad and threatened US-Saudi-“Israeli” hegemony in Africa through his spiritual revival of the people and his fostering of unity between Muslims and Christians; Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, who is the hope for oppressed peoples around the world as if he cannot physically guarantee their legal and moral right to armed resistance against ungodly tyrants, he intellectually arms the human family with the spirit to want to create a better world for us all; Sayed Hasan Nasrallah, the leader of the Party of God of Lebanon who has protected the lives of Muslims and Christians alike from the terrorism of Zionism and Wahabbism; the Dome of the Rock mosque in al-Quds, Palestine; baseera, Arabic for “insight” (which is where our company name comes from), which means to peel through the various onion layers of deception that are placed on to our perception by the Zionist media and other mediums of influence which attempt to control our minds; and Bashar al-Assad, the democratically elected President of Syria, who is the backbone of resistance against Zionism and Wahabbism, in Syria’s steadfast support for Palestine, Lebanon, and all of humanity, having just defeated the evil ISIS terrorist group in addition to, as Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif put it, shredding the myth of the invincibility of “Israel.”

The left hand side depicts those who serve the arrogant global Zionist power structure. From top to bottom: bombs dropping on innocent women and children, which is the ugly face that hides behind the mask of neocon/neolib warmonger propaganda; Bill Kristol, the co-founder of the Project for the New American Century, a think tank comprised of mostly Jewish neoconservatives with dual “Israeli”-American citizenship, whose white paper “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” literally called for America to be attacked in a “new Pearl Harbor,” in which they would capitalize on the blood of dead Americans so as to justify their sadistic plans to invade a laundry list of countries such as Iraq, Syria, North Korea, and Iran; the Oded Yinon “Greater Israel” strategy of the 1980s, which sought to break up Syria, Iraq, and the rest of the Arab and Muslim world through sectarian and ethnic civil wars, which we can see today through the Zionist/NATO/GCC-backed Wahabbi terrorists trying to take over Syria as well as various Kurdish separatist movements; Benjamin Netanyahu, whose ease at getting obscene standing ovations in the US Congress just goes to show who runs our country; Henry Kissinger, known for his participation in the secretive Bilderberg Group conferences and adviser to every modern US president, Republican and Democrat alike; Al Jazeera, whose subservience to promoting GCC and Salafist interests, especially in Syria with their hipster/millennial propaganda outlet AJ+, makes them an empty shell of their former days of decent and objective reporting; John McCain, who helped to arm terrorist rebel groups in Syria in order to topple Syria and thus cut off the support to the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon; Vice News, a hipster/millennial propaganda outlet with close ties to the State Department, the CIA’s Broadcasting Board of Governors (which owns Voice of America and RFE/RL), atheist Zionist Bill Maher, Rupert Murdoch, and Disney Corporation; NATO, who is backing terrorists in Syria on behalf of “Israel”; the Daily Beast, a hipster/millennial propaganda outlet who has had senior staff members like Michael Weiss (Jewish Zionist apprentice of neocon Bill Kristol and atheist neocon Christopher Hitchens) and Jamie Kirchick (former employee of the CIA’s RFE/RL and fellow at Kristol’s Foreign Policy Initiative); Saudi “King” Salman, who supports the barbaric war on Yemen and spreads the Wahabbi ideology that serves the plan of the “Israeli” Mossad to divide and conquer the Arab and Muslim world through sectarian strife; and Dawah Man, an internet Salafist personality who spreads sectarian hatred with his YouTube channel, a man who ironically, like his doppelgangers in the “Shi’a” Wahabbi sect known as the Shirazi clan, goes unmolested by British intelligence.

In the center is a Palestinian hoisting a rock at the occupiers. It is the Palestinian right to resist which lies at the center of the battle between arrogance and goodness. All the divide and conquer schemes, all the wars, all the propaganda, is all mean to take away the right of Palestinians to resist occupation and to return to their homelands.

Why is the shirt made of organic cotton? Because agri-chemical giant Monsanto produced the white phosphorous chemical weapon that was used by “Israel” against Gaza and South Lebanon.

The history of the Zionist occupation of Palestine is as tragic as it is old.

To learn more, read our latest blog post.


Additional information

Weight 0.090718 oz

Bark, Moss, Night, Ocean, Slate


2X-Large, 3X-Large, Large, Medium, Small, X-Large


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