Major General Qassem Soleimani, the head of the IRGC Quds Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran, is known for many great things, the least of which is defeating the “Israeli”/US/NATO/GCC-backed proxy terrorist group known as ISIS.For keeping the world safe from Zionist terrorism and Wahabbist/Salafist terrorism, humanity owes the Living Martyr, General Soleimani, a great deal of gratitude. He has protected both Christians and Muslims from being slaughtered by the hands of the usurping Zionist entity and its terrorist proxies such as ISIS and al-Qaeda.
That is why Insight Media is offering this powerful certified organic cotton t-shirt featuring artwork by the talented Mohammad Hamza of Intifada Street.
Also available is a hijab-friendly women’s long sleeve made out of comfortably soft organic cotton.
The artwork truly embodies Soleimani as a defender of the oppressed around the globe and perfectly captures his nature as a stalwart who acts as an obstacle to the Zionist New World Order’s schemes. Even where he cannot be physically present, such as in Yemen due to the Saudi siege, his example is an inspiration to the oppressed that he hasn’t had the fortune of physically meeting and building with.
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