Saudi Arabia


The Truth About the War Against Syria the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You

April 11, 2018
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Syria is protecting Christians, Shi’a Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Sufi Muslims, Druze, and all those who are targeted by Zionist and Wahabbist terrorism.

The Syrian Arab Republic is the backbone of the resistance against global Zionism and Western imperialism.

While the majority of Middle Eastern countries capitulated to fake “peace talks” with the Zionist regime, only two nations saw past the deceit of “Israel” and kept resisting, not only to liberate and restore dignity to their own lands, but to liberate Palestine as well. Those two were the Syrian Arab Republic and Lebanon, in addition to Palestinians themselves.

That is why the CIA backed sectarian fanatics in the Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood to go against Hafez al-Assad in order to protect “Israel.”

The Zionist entity’s Operation Oranim of the 1980s hoped to take out both Syria and Lebanon at the same time, then to use Syria as a launching pad against the newly formed Islamic Republic of Iran. Bilad al-Sham foiled their plans, so “Israeli” strategist Oded Yinon came up with a plan to take out all resistant nations by using sectarian and ethnic divides in the Middle East to weaken resistant countries and have them fight each other.

In 2006, after Lebanon’s holy and stunning victory over Zionist aggression, the US and “Israel” concocted a scheme to overthrow Assad, who supported Lebanon’s resistance efforts, so as to weaken Iran and Lebanon.

In 2011, CIA-backed al-Qaeda henchmen from Libya stationed themselves in Syria and created the “Syrian” “revolution.”

The US, France, and puppet Gulf dictators formed the Free Syrian Army. A number of FSA generals, in interviews, said that they have a relationship with al-Qaeda (al-Nusra).

A leaked Pentagon document later revealed that the US knew they were backing Salafist al-Qaeda terrorists so that they could intentionally create a Salafist “caliphate” in Eastern Syria so as to weaken Assad. In 2014, that came to be and ISIS created a “caliphate” in Syria and Iraq, and they grew out of the Western-backed terror groups such as the FSA and al-Nusra.

The main “sources” for saying that Assad commits massacres come from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is not based in Syria and is one Syrian ex-pat living in Coventry, UK who uses sources from inside al-Qaeda-held towns to determine the death toll. Human Rights Watch is funded by Zionist Jewish billionaire George Soros and many of the HRW top positions have been filled by people from the Western intelligence community. A local branch of Amnesty International in “Israel” served as a propaganda front for the “Israeli” Foreign Ministry in the 1970s, according to Haaretz.

It’s clear we have been blatantly lied to from all sides, from the mainstream and even alternative media, from neocon circles to pro-NATO anarcho-communist leftist circles, from Zionists to sectarian Salafists.

Show your gratitude to the resistant people of Syria and their elected leader Bashar al-Assad for their defeat of US/Israeli/Saudi-backed proxy terrorists in East Ghouta with this certified organic cotton t-shirt.

Beautiful artwork dedicated to the people of Syria and their elected President Bashar al-Assad by Mohammad Hamza of Intifada Street Art lays on top a certified organic cotton t-shirt, as Monsanto plays a heavy role in Zionist/Western imperialism such as their takeover of Iraqi agriculture, which they hope to do to Syria if they succeed in tearing it apart.

This shirt is a great way to bust through the Zionist media’s lies and stand with the Syrian Arab Republic, who has protected the lives of all peoples persecuted by Zionist and Wahabbist terrorism, and has stood steadfast by the cause of Palestinian and Lebanese resistance for decades.

Click here for the certified organic women’s long sleeve (perfect for hijabis).


After 3 Years of US/Israeli/Saudi War of Aggression, Yemen Refuses to Surrender (Video)

March 27, 2018
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Yemen has been suffering a war of aggression backed primarily by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, U.K., and Israel for the past three years. It is the world’s richest nations bombing one of the world’s poorest nations, all for the crime of the Yemeni people daring to declare their independence from Zionist and imperialist hegemony.

Despite nearly total silence from the people of the West, as well as the silence of a big percentage of the people of the Muslim world, the resistance of the people of Yemen, vis-a-vis the popular Ansarullah movement, is dealing a heavy blow to the Saudis.

Imagine that. The Yemenis are under a total siege and blockade from the land and sea. Contrary to popular lies, the Houthis are not being armed by Iran, though they have every right to be. Saudi is being flooded with advanced weapons from the U.S. and U.K., but in a classic display of what happens when you have one side who is not willing to die for a cause, and another side who has the morals, has the truth on their side, they are willing to die to defend their independence, their dignity, and their goal to target the heads of the Dajjal (antichrist) snake in the region: Israel and its puppet states like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. No matter how much money and technology and Western backing the Saudis have, they don’t have heart and they don’t have God. That is why they are being defeated so swiftly against Yemenis who barely have flip-flops, let alone food, medicine, and water.

Aside from not having the basic essentials of living, the Yemeni people don’t even have the sympathy of the so-called “international community” who has failed in every sense. The Soros-backed human-rights-industrial-complex has failed because Human Rights Watch and Shamnesty International are tools of global Zionism to target countries who are resistant to Zionism and imperialism and label them as “backwards” and “humanitarian catastrophes.” The so-called “Ummah” has failed, because many Muslims are sectarian and hate that the Ansarullah movement is Shi’a-led, although it is diverse in its inclusion of Zaydis and Sunnis. There are also Shi’a Muslims who are so West-toxified and Judaized, or just plain cowardly, that they don’t have the heart nor the spine to see that Ansarullah is on the right side of history, and therefore they refuse to speak out against this war. Then there are the fake antiwar groups that love to point out the branches of the rotten tree (Saudi Arabia), but always misdirect away from the roots of said tree (global Zionism). Groups such as Codepink have sabotaged genuine grassroots protest efforts because the rhetoric of such efforts pointed out the Zionist tumor’s role in the war on Yemen by refusing to be a co-sponsor of the grassroots efforts.

The cause for Yemeni independence and dignity is a human cause, is an Islamic cause, is a Christian cause, is an Arab cause, is a revolutionary cause. We here at Insight Media will champion their cause through art and culture. That is why we have free, full-length music streaming of God-conscious, revolutionary artists who give a damn about the oppressed of the world in a sincere fashion. With art comes culture, which is why we teamed up recently with Intifada Street Art to produce a line of certified organic cotton t-shirts and other accessories that feature artwork dedicated to resistant Yemen.

In the future, we even plan to have a special t-shirt design that benefits a charity in Yemen. Subscribe to our newsletter to be alerted when these products drop.

Video credit: Pure Stream Media

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